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16 Courses

Marketing of Luxury Products & services   [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Marketing of Luxury Products & services [ EBM Marketing]

 Luxury product marketing focuses on selling and promoting top-end products to a luxury customer

Independent Enrichment e-Course  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Independent Enrichment e-Course [ EBM Marketing]

Enrichment gives the student more time to study concepts with greater depth, breadth, and complexity

Personal Selling Lab  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Personal Selling Lab [ EBM Marketing]

 a face-to-face selling technique by which a salesperson uses his or her interpersonal skills to persuade a customer in buying a particular product.

Retail Management & E-Commerce  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Retail Management & E-Commerce [ EBM Marketing]

helps select products and create pricing strategies and sees to it that products reach the customer as quickly (and as cost-effective) as possible

Digital Marketing  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Digital Marketing [ EBM Marketing]

refers to online marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or other device.

Sales & Channel Management  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Sales & Channel Management [ EBM Marketing]

 a process where the company develops various marketing techniques as well as sales strategies to reach the widest possible customer base

Services Marketing    [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Services Marketing [ EBM Marketing]

a form of marketing businesses that provide a service to their customers use to increase brand awareness and sales

International Business Exposure Programme  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

International Business Exposure Programme [ EBM Marketing]

a strategic perspective that considers the broader implications of business decisions and recognizes the interconnectedness of economies and markets.

Industry and Enterprise Analysis  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Industry and Enterprise Analysis [ EBM Marketing]

involves evaluating the dynamics, drivers, and competitive pressures within a specific industry.

Digital Business & Strategy  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Digital Business & Strategy [ EBM Marketing]

Digital strategy focuses on using technology to improve business performance

Online Cross National Project ( X Culture)   [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Online Cross National Project ( X Culture) [ EBM Marketing]

The X-Culture project is one of the first attempts to enhance learning. 

Advanced Excel Lab  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Advanced Excel Lab [ EBM Marketing]

an add-in that allows the Excel team to release experimental Excel features and gather customer feedback about them.

Business Analytics with Power BI    [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Business Analytics with Power BI [ EBM Marketing]

Collect data, reveal insights, and create visually stimulating reports with Power BI—a business analytics tool

Human Resource Management  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Human Resource Management [ EBM Marketing]

the strategic approach to nurturing and supporting employees and ensuring a positive workplace environment.

Business Research Methods  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Business Research Methods [ EBM Marketing]

Collecting primary data through observations, questionnaires and interview. Analysing data. 

Financial Management  [ EBM Marketing]
Marketing Specialization
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Marketing Specialization

Financial Management [ EBM Marketing]

all about monitoring, controlling, protecting, and reporting on a company's financial resources.