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15 Courses

Physical Education-Exercise and Field Activities
Semester II
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Semester II

Physical Education-Exercise and Field Activities

designed to develop students' physical fitness, knowledge of movement, and healthy lifestyle habits.

Environmental Studies
Semester II
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Semester II

Environmental Studies

an interdisciplinary academic field which studies human interaction with the environment for solving complex problems

Project Based Learning
Semester II
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Semester II

Project Based Learning

 involves students designing, developing, and constructing hands-on solutions to a problem.

Semester II
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Semester II


 to create an environment for meaningful work and to guide a group through a process that will lead to great outcomes.

Audit Course I
Semester II
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Semester II

Audit Course I

allows a student to take a class without the benefit of a grade or credit for a course.

Programming and Problem Solving
Semester II
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Semester II

Programming and Problem Solving

The course covers the fundamentals of computer programming and its underlying principles using the Python programming language.

Engineering Chemistry
Semester II
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Semester II

Engineering Chemistry

A program that focuses on the general application of chemical principles to the analysis and evaluation of engineering problems

Engineering Mathemtics-II
Semester II
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Semester II

Engineering Mathemtics-II

The course consists of topics in complex analysis,numerical analysis, vector calculus and transform techniques

Engineering Physics
Semester II
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Semester II

Engineering Physics

 a bridge between pure and applied science, utilizing fundamental concepts in today's rapidly changing and highly technical engineering environment.

Engineering Mathematics-I
Semester II
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Semester II

Engineering Mathematics-I

differential calculus,integral calculus, linear algebra and differential equations with applications

Basic Electronics Engineering
Semester II
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Semester II

Basic Electronics Engineering

The basics of electronics refer to the concepts that include inductance, capacitance, resistance, voltage and electrical currents

Basic Electrical Engineering
Semester II
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Semester II

Basic Electrical Engineering

the study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.

Engineering Graphics
Semester II
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Semester II

Engineering Graphics

a study which requires special equipment or tools to form the images

Systems in Mechanical Engineering
Semester II
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Semester II

Systems in Mechanical Engineering

 designing tools and equipment, overseeing manufacturing processes, and running quality checks on the products

Engineering Mechanics
Semester II
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Semester II

Engineering Mechanics

 examines these external forces by studying statics, dynamics, materials strength, elasticity, viscoelasticity and fluid dynamics.