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19 Courses

Code Of Conduct 	by Harshal Mahajan
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Code Of Conduct by Harshal Mahajan

 Strive to advance public appreciation and understanding of computer technology.

Project Based Learning by Reshma Kohad and  Shradhha Suryawanshi
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Project Based Learning by Reshma Kohad and Shradhha Suryawanshi

PBL is a student-centred approach in which learners construct their own knowledge, and the teacher or tutor guides them.

Microprocessor Laboratory	by Dipak Raut
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Microprocessor Laboratory by Dipak Raut

 accepts binary data as input, processes it according to instructions stored in its memory, and provides results (also in binary form) as output.

Data Structures & Algorithms Laboratory by  Nilesh Mali
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Data Structures & Algorithms Laboratory by Nilesh Mali

Data Structures is about how data can be stored in different structures.

Microprocessor by Meenakshi Patil
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Microprocessor by Meenakshi Patil

accepts binary data as input, processes it according to instructions stored in its memory, and provides results (also in binary form) as output.

Principles of Programming Languages by  Reshma Kohad
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Principles of Programming Languages by Reshma Kohad

The main objectives of programming languages are to provide a way for humans to communicate instructions to computers, to make it easy for humans to write, read, and understand code, and to enable efficient execution of the instructions by the computer.

Software Engineering by Minal Jungare
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Software Engineering by Minal Jungare

the branch of computer science that deals with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software applications.

Data Structures & Algorithms by Nilesh Mali
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Data Structures & Algorithms by Nilesh Mali

 understand different data structures and how to use them effectively for solving problems.

Engineering Mathematics III by Manjusha Tomar
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Engineering Mathematics III by Manjusha Tomar

 the art of applying maths to complex real-world problems; combining mathematical theory, practical engineering and scientific computing to address today's technological challenges.

Audit Course 4
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Audit Course 4

 allows a student to take a class without the benefit of a grade or credit for a course

Code Of Conduct by Harshal Mahajan
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Code Of Conduct by Harshal Mahajan

 a collection of rules and principles intended to assist employees and directors in making decisions about their conduct in relation to the firm's business.

Project Based Learning by Minal Jungare and  Pranjali Manmode
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Project Based Learning by Minal Jungare and Pranjali Manmode

involves students designing, developing, and constructing hands-on solutions to a problem.

Microprocessor Laboratory by Dipak Raut
SE Computer Engineering
Preview Course

SE Computer Engineering

Microprocessor Laboratory by Dipak Raut

used to provide intensive practical exposure to learn the assembly and embedded C programming systematically for the different issues of microprocessor and microcontroller

Data Structures & Algorithms Laboratory by Sunil Rathod
SE Computer Engineering
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SE Computer Engineering

Data Structures & Algorithms Laboratory by Sunil Rathod

 provide the students a practical knowledge of data structures so that the abstractions discussed in lecture classes are made concerete.

Microprocessor by Dipak Raut
SE Computer Engineering
Preview Course

SE Computer Engineering

Microprocessor by Dipak Raut

a computer processor for which the data processing logic and control is included on a single integrated circuit (IC)

Principles of Programming Languages by Reshma Kohad
SE Computer Engineering
Preview Course

SE Computer Engineering

Principles of Programming Languages by Reshma Kohad

Study fundamental concepts on which programming of languages are based, and execution models supporting them

Software Engineering by Minal Jungare
SE Computer Engineering
Preview Course

SE Computer Engineering

Software Engineering by Minal Jungare

the branch of computer science that deals with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software applications.

Data Structures & Algorithms by Sunil Rathod
SE Computer Engineering
Preview Course

SE Computer Engineering

Data Structures & Algorithms by Sunil Rathod

A data structure is a way to store data.

Engineering Mathematics III  by  Sachin Gaikwad
SE Computer Engineering
Preview Course

SE Computer Engineering

Engineering Mathematics III by Sachin Gaikwad

the art of applying maths to complex real-world problems; combining mathematical theory, practical engineering and scientific computing to address today's technological challenges.